New Year Resolutions For Health

- Make sleep a key to your health –
According to Ayurveda sleep is one of three basic pillars of Human health. Satisfactory & quality sleep can give long & healthy life that everyone wishes for. A good sleep balances one’s physical, emotional & mental wellbeing. It also increases one’s work efficacy. But when sleep is not taken at proper time & in proper quantity it causes various small health issues to grievous mental & physical disorders.
So, as Ayurveda says;
Avoid day time sleep or napping in afternoons as it not only disturb your night sleep routine but will affect your overall health.
Follow a regular sleep pattern; this will set your sleep & ultimately health in a rhythm.
Don’t be a night owl; keeping awake at night harms your health on every level from your digestion to mental health. If you have a night shift job which is unavoidable & you sleep in daytime, make sure not to oversleep, have light meals, drink warm water n don’t break your pattern too frequently.
So, use sleep as a medicine, give your body & mind time to heal. Get your voucher for extra energy, fresh mind & healthy body every time you wake up & for new goals to achieve this year.
- Never compromise on your exercise-
Exercise is one of the fundamental part of a healthy lifestyle and Ayurveda has always advocated the same. In both seasonal & daily regime prime importance has been given to exercise. Exercising daily is necessary for one’s overall nourishment, peaceful mind, prevention & cure for many health ailments. By just exercising daily you can keep ailments like Diabetes, obesity & even depression at a bay.
As everything from swimming, walking, running, wrestling to Yoga has been described in Ayurveda, choose any type of exercise that suits you daily. Just keep in mind everyday is not the same, so analyze strength & need of your body (c’mon now you can do it by practice) or seek experts advice before choosing your exercise routine.
We advise you to at least adapt to Daily brisk walk, Yoga, Pranaym & Omkar chanting.
So, make a resolution of making your body a healthier place, after all it’s the only place we live in forever.
- Always listen to your body-
We are talking about the natural urges of our body like, Urine, Stool, Gases, Sneezing, Coughing, Yawning, Hunger, Thirst, Sleep, Coughing, Semen Ejaculation, Vomiting Or A Breathing/ Rapid Breathing On Exertion. Whenever you get any of this nature’s call (Yes, now you know that nature’s call doesn’t only mean a pee break from a class) never ignore it or hold it in. doing so, disturbs your body’s natural functioning & can give rise many health issues from bloating & abdominal pain to some serious disorders. We will be posting about this in detail soon, till then listen to your body, & don’t hold anything inside, which is meant to go out of the body.
- Don’t always listen to your mind-
How can our beautiful mind go wrong? Well sometimes it can, if we do everything that it wishes for. Our mind sometimes can have few urges that we should always try to avoid. Greediness, Grief, Fear, Anger, Envy, Lying, Jealousy, Pride, Arrogance, Anxiety, Inferiority Complex etc. are few of these urges which should be avoided. Indulging too much in these things can affect you mental & physical health in a profound manner also it can really harm your social life as well. So this year, choose to be calm, happy & to smile more.
- Connect with nature & Give back to nature-
Humans are one of the well made creations of nature. Let us not forget that we are just a small part of this beautiful wonderland called mother earth. Let us not try to own it. Let us coexist with every being of this planet. This is beneficial for our health too. So this year mark your calendar, go & visit beautiful natural places. Get the much needed pure air & oxygen. Heal yourself. Plant some trees on your trip, try to clean up the place you visit with your friends. Plant some organic vegetables & fruits wherever you can, it can be the garden around your house, your terrace or just a little balcony of your sweet home. This will help you go organic in your diet. So, this year connect with nature & get a precious gift of Health for yourself &everyone around you and of course don’t forget to give back to nature.
We know that following resolutions are not always easy and we often forget our resolution on the very day we make it. But when following these 5 easy little resolutions, is going to give you your most valuable possession & that is you Health, then why not give it a try?
“Stay Determined, Stay Healthy.”