Lifestyle of a mother during pregnancy

Ayurveda is the science of life which supports and promotes healthy pregnancy. Ayurveda has given solutions for the mental, spiritual & physical preparation of mother to be for the blissful moment of childbirth. Ayurveda gives knowledge about lifestyle and diet of a mother to be.
Happiness Woman from the very first day of pregnancy should remain in high spirit, happy & should get engaged in peaceful things.
Positivity Keep mind fresh. Should perform religious rites, do auspicious deeds, live in devotion & respect towards Gods & her elders.
Avoid negativity Should avoid anger, fear and such negative emotions. She should avoid listening & reading any negative & disturbing stories. Dreadful & negative sights must be avoided too.
Cleanliness Pregnant lady should always be clean and pious. She must avoid coming in contact with any unclean object, places, clothes & unhygienic food.
Responsibility of husband & family members The husband and other family members are advised to take care of pregnant lady, her diet.
Encourage those activities that are dear to her and beneficial for fetus.
Clothing Should wear clean clothes. Should prefer light coloured clothes like white and possibly avoid dark coloured clothes like red. .
Sleep should prefer sleeping on one side rather than sleeping on back. Bed should be soft, comfortable, should not be very high & should be guarded with soft cushions from all sides. Same applies for the couch or any other sitting place.
The living place of pregnant lady should be fumigated and clean and should be free from insects like mosquito, bed bugs etc.
Atmosphere Around a pregnant lady there should be spiritual & positive atmosphere should be maintained by performing daily worships, chanting holy hymns and holy songs.
Travelling- Too much travelling should be avoided, at least should avoid travelling on bumpy & uneven roads which can cause jerky movements, which are not good for wellbeing of mother & fetus.
Must avoid
- Should avoid talking very loudly and laughing very loudly
- Avoid tiring activities, heavy exercise, long walks, jumping etc.
- Avoid excess traveling
- Avoid coitus
- Long distance walk from home
- Avoid going to solitary places, crematorium or graveyard.
- Seating, sleeping & walking on rough & uneven surfaces.
- Avoid negative emotions as mentioned above
- Suppression of natural urges like stool, urine etc.