Importance Of A2 Milk

Milk is one of the most important part of our diet & possibly one of the healthiest too. In fact it’s a wholesome diet for us in the starting few months of our life & it is capable of giving us a big part of our nutrition throughout our lifespan. Drinking milk is a part of daily regime for many people all over the globe. But do we give it a much of thought it deserves?
All of us at least once in a life must have heard that drinking milk daily is good for health, for immune system, it’s a rich source of calcium, it’s good for our bones & muscle health, well all of it is absolutely correct. But does your cup of milk have all these qualities? Sadly it might not; instead it might be having some really bad effects on your health because you might be drinking A1 type of milk instead of A2 type of milk.
What is A1 & A2 milk?
- A1 milk is milk produced by A1 type of cows & A2 milk is milk produced by A2 type of cows.
- A1 cows include breeds like Holstein & jersey.
- A2 cows include breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Sindhi, Tharparkar , Kankrej etc.
- BCM7 (beta- casomorphin 7)is a small protein that does not get digested in our body and is present in cow. It is an opioid (narcotic) a very strong oxidizing agent which can lead to indigestion & may lead to various other diseases like Diabetes.
- A2 milk contains an amino acid called Proline which prevents BCM7 from going into our body & causing further bad effects.
- A1 milk doesn’t contain Proline, so after drinking A1 milk BCM7 easily enters human body and interact with the digestive system & other internal organs.
Disadvantages of A1 milk-
Regular consumption of A1 milk leads to the diseases like type-1 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autism, schizophrenia, auto-immune diseases, cancer, digestive intolerances & allergies.
Advantages of A2 milk-
- Clinical evidences shows that the A1 milk not only prevents from the diseases but also cures them.
- A2 milk is a rich source of omega 3 which is an essential fatty acid in human diet. Omega 3 rich diet, not only provides immunity & protection from metabolic degenerative diseases like diabetes, BP, brain stroke but also found to be curative in nature.
In his book- “Devil in the milk: illness, health and politics of A1 and A2 milk” Dr. Keith Woodford has revealed the real issue about milk. He concluded that it is actually the Breed of cow that matters. As stated above cows of Pure Indian Breeds (Desi cow) gives the A2 type of milk. Ayurveda has always promoted including this milk in the diet since ages.
- Milk nourishes body tissues &strengthens muscles
- Mitigates Vata & Pitta Dosha
- Aphrodisiac in nature & a best coolant.
- It promotes long life; it has anti-aging & rejuvenating property.
- It increases intelligence, relieves exhaustion & dizziness.
- Promotes breast milk production in female
- Helps easy movement of bowels
- Relieves dyspnoea, cough, severe thirst & hunger also helps in dysuria & bleeding diseases .