
Introduction- ‘Garbha’ means fetus & ‘Sanskara’ means educating the mind. Basically Garbhasanskara means prenatal education of fetus in every aspect like spiritual, mental etc. it is popularly known as Supraja Janana in Ayurveda. Concept of “Supraja Janana” has been explained in all treatises. It is now universally accepted that fetus is not just a mass of flesh but it is a developing & responsive live human being inside a womb, capable of receiving, understanding and responding to different external stimuli. That’s why it is our responsibility to create positive and enriching environment for fetus in womb. All the factors affecting mothers health like, diet, lifestyle, exercise & even her mental state has long term effects on the health of the her child.
When to start? – Ayurveda emphasizes on one main thing and that is “Pregnancy should be by choice not by chance.” Along with healthy dietary & lifestyle modification in pregnancy, physical & mental preparation of a couple 3 months to a year prior to conception is advised. Physical cleansing by Panchakarma, mental and spiritual balance by positive behavior and atmosphere, healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol are few of such preconception adaptation a couple should go through.
Ways of Garbhasanskara
Diet & lifestyle modification- we have seen it in detail in previous two blogs
Yoga, Pranayam & light exercises- Heavy exercises should strictly be avoided in pregnancy. Yoga& Pranayam gives stability to mind, normalizes breathing, reduces bodyache arising due to pregnancy, strengthens n tone up muscles which in long run facilitates normal delievery.
Omkara & Mantra chanting Omkara chanting in the morning stabilizes the mind, provide calmness and serenity, normalizes the breathing, improves concentration with ease and improves blood circulation. Chanting of holy hymns in pregnancy is advocated since ages & it is very beneficial for both mother & child. For example chanting of Gayatri Mantra calms the mind, reduces depression, and creates positivity.
Prayer for mothers wellbeing and for having calm, happy & bright child are the reasons Ayurveda promotes maintaining spiritual atmosphere for mother and her child.
Music therapy Music therapy is the best way of Garbhasanskara and it also helps to establish a connect between mother & the child.
Being positive & happy Many scientific studies have proved the effects of mother’s thoughts, her state of mind and hormonal changes occurring due these good or bad thoughts affecting foetus inside the womb. Being happy facilitates the child health & well being.
In ‘Sutrasthana’ Acharya Charak says; “Sumanaska Garbhadharanam” it literally means mind at a pleasant, happy and positive state is the most needed thing for conceiving & nurturing fetus
Reading Woman from the very first day of pregnancy should remain in high spirit & happy. She should avoid listening or seeing or reading negative & disturbing stories
Involvement of husband Holistic pregnancy care involves involvement of Husband in the process of Garbhasanskara. Providing emotional & physical support to a mother to be by her husband helps maintaining her state of mind & thus the health of the fetus.
Communicating with fetus we often see pregnant women, talking to their fetus and experiencing a response from fetus too. This communication is very necessary for establishing maternal fetus attachment.
Ayurveda believes that what mother eats, how her lifestyle is, what she listens to, how happy she is all of these contributes to not only the health but also the nature of a unborn.