Warm food- One should eat warm food. Warm food provides proper & better taste. It is easy for digestion as it stimulates digestive fire. It keeps Vata & Kapha in check. Studies show that warm food stimulates proper flow of saliva & gastric juices hence helps in proper digestion.

Unctuous food- Unctuousness enhances taste of the food. Stimulates digestive fire so gets easily digested. Increases strength, improves senses & overall body growth. It improves complexion & glow.

Quantity of food- Diet consisting of variety of food items should be taken in proper quantity. Such diet taken in proper quantity doesn’t disturb state of digestive fire & Doshas in the body, provides longevity, gets easily digested & passes down the bowel without creating any discomfort.

Food taken in proper quantity does not cause any gastric or cardiac discomfort, it gives you sense of ease in standing, sitting, lying down, walking, breathing & talking. It mitigates your hunger. It gives you sense of happiness after having a meal.

Meal taken after digestion of previous meal- Food should be taken after the complete digestion of the previous meal. If eaten before the digestion of the previous meal, newly eaten food mixes with partially digested food & provokes all the Dosha’s.

On the other hand, when one eats after the previous meal is well digested, the Dosha’s do not get vitiated or unsettled from their natural locations, digestive fire is stimulated, appetite is increased, entrances of the channels get cleared, there are natural urges to pass bodily wastes and there is no obstruction to their passage, and the eaten food enhances one’s life.

Non antagonistic food – Take food items which are non antagonistic in nature. Taking antagonistic food can cause diseases like, blindness, skin disorders, hypersensitivity etc.

Some antagonistic food items are- fish & milk together, salt & milk together, honey & ghee together in equal quantity etc.

Place & Utensils of having meal- Food should be taken at congenial place & in proper utensils. Hygiene & comfort is important while eating. Unpleasant atmosphere while eating causes unpleasant emotions which are not good for digestion.

Not eating too fast- One should not eat too hurriedly as it can make food pass into respiratory pathway & create discomfort. Not eating in a hurry gives you time to enjoy & relish your food.

Not eating too slowly- If food is taken too slowly it may get cold, one doesn’t get satisfied, eats much & also food does not gets digested properly.

Avoid talking or laughing & pay attention while eating- One should eat with utmost concentration on food & should avoid talking or laughing, doing so may cause same defects as by taking food hastily.

Eating according to needs- One should take food with due consideration of hunger, tastes & need of their body.

According to Acharya Charak, even if someone takes proper food with strict regards to all measures will fail to get digested properly if it is eaten by one with anxiety, grief, fear, anger, pain, sedentary habits or keeping awake at night.
