Importance of Ayurveda- The word ‘Ayurveda’ itself means ‘The science of life’ and it certainly is a very well researched, a very well reviewed, tested & proven from time to time and lasted over thousands of years. It is still relevant because of its results and holistic approach. In fact it is needed more now than ever. Many of the current health obsessions of the world from Yoga to Plastic surgery all have its origin in Ayurveda. Ayurveda & Indian culture goes hand in hand. It’s rooted even in our festivities People all over the globe are looking towards Ayurveda with a hope because of its holistic approach in both preventive & therapeutic ways.
Reason to start Ayurveda Social- Because of the increasing demand in the society many products are being sold in the name of Ayurveda & wrong health information is being spread. People follow these kinds of things and develop the tendency to blame Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a science, using it in a wrong way can obviously have detrimental impact on one’s health.
While reading & seeing such things online which are not of any good for anyone and which potentially can hamper the image of Ayurveda and while doing consultations to patient it was observed that many times people include something in their diet & lifestyle because someone told them its Ayurvedic or they read it somewhere, due to following these wrong health trends they start facing several health issues.
So we at Ayurveda social feel that it is need of the hour & our responsibility as Ayurvedic Doctors that we should create awareness & give authentic Ayurvedic knowledge & advices to people. That’s when we thought of starting a blog about it.
What is Ayurveda Social- Ayurveda Social is a movement to globalize Ayurveda, for that we will be presenting enormous knowledge of Ayurveda in the form of simple health tips, tricks, lifestyle & diet hacks & treatment in easily understandable format to anyone.
Our aim – is to contribute to the very holistic motto of Ayurveda which is to protect the health of the healthy people & to cure the diseased ones. Ayurveda social is a symbol of inclusiveness because we want to reach people globally. Ayurveda social will try to better your physical as well as mental health through multidimensional ways of Ayurveda like diet, lifestyle, Yoga, Panchakarma, Music therapy, Garbhasanskar, Achar Rasayana & what not.
What to expect from us– We will be sharing expert views on various health issues, their clinical experiences of Ayurvedic practice and their healthy suggestions for our readers. We will be doing various sections like, pediatric care, geriatric care, neonatal care, prenatal care, women health, teenage section etc. Diseases will be studied in the series, starting from its causes, pathogenesis, symptoms, signs to its treatment & prevention in Ayurvedic view.
At first & at last our focus will be on to globalize Ayurveda.